Our Club History

An informal meeting by several persons interested in forming a Vintage Car Club on the Gold Coast was held in the Girl Guides Hall, Goodwin Park Coolangatta, Queensland on the 11th November 1968, this meeting was chaired by Brian Cowan with Gary Cox as the Acting Secretary, those in attendance at the meeting where -

Bill Jarman 1928 Model-T Ford Alby Wright Singer
Gorden Short 1902 Swift/1929 A Ford David McAliste Morris
Dale Hanley 1922 Vauxhall Bill Catlin 1928 Cadillac
Barry Skimmings 1909/1924 Maxwell Gary Volkers 1925 Citroen
Graham Flanagan 1926 Austin Gordon Singh Unknown
Peter Gardiner 1936 Austin and T Ford Peter Harris 1928 Model A Ford
Ian De Somer 1928 Model A Ford Brian Cowan 1928 Model A Ford
Gary Cox 1920/1924 Coventry Standard Bob Rothwell 1928 Model A Ford
Kay Cowan Unknown Marie Harris Unknown

A show of hands to see if the club could put on a display of cars in December and they selected the 25th November 1968, for the inaugural meeting of a club and at this meeting the first committee was formed as shown in the table below.

President Brian Cowan Secretary Peter Harris
Treasurer Bill Catlin Vice President Barry Skimmings
Publicity Officer Marie Harris Spare Parts Gordon Farquhar
Editor Dale Hanley Rally Director Barry Helsham
Assistant Editor Graham Hetherington    

On the 9th December 1968 after much discussion the club’s name was decided upon, and the final vote was in favour of “Gold Coast Antique Auto Club”. At the same meeting it was also decided to call the club magazine the “Crankhandle News”. The first car rally was held on the 18th January 1969 starting at 11 am from Nerang, and the first edition of the newsletter was printed in May 1969. At first the newsletter was printed in A4 size with a stiff cover which was hard to fold before sending, in 2001 the newsletter was trailed in the current A5 size which made it a lot easier to fold and post.

The first official AGM of the club was held on the 14th July 1969.

It the begining our club did not have a clubhouse, and initial meetings were held in the Palm Beach Girl Guide Hall. Refer to Club House history for details about our club house and how we obtained it.

The first club wedsite was set up in the early 2000's using Yahoo's Geocities free web hosying service, in 2009 when Yahoo closed Geocities the site was moved and is hosted by Digital Pasific.

In late 2022 and early 2023 the club name was changed to include classic cars, the new name of the club is now " Gold Coast Antique and Classic Auto Club and the club badge was updated.

Click here for our Clubhouse history

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Club activities
General meeting 2nd Monday of the month.
Sunday club runs  2nd Sunday of the month.
Midweek club runs last Wednesday of the month.
These runs are subject to change, check Facebook or our Calendar page on this site. to confirm dates and times.

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